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Elaine Aaltonen

Educational Leader and Manager


I have been working as an educational leader and manager for more than twenty years, from preschool to high school, mainly at basic school institutions from the private sector, in Brazil, where I have held positions such as pedagogical coordinator, department head, school division head, programme director, faculty team leader, subject and year-level coordinator, and bilingual school principal. In the academic sphere, I have been studying educational leadership and management for ten years. I currently work as a pedagogical coordinator at Maple Bear Global Schools, the largest bilingual schools´ network worldwide.


  • MA in Educational Leadership and Management
  • Specialisation in Portuguese Language Arts
  • Specialisation in English Language Arts
  • BA in Pedagogy
  • BA in Portuguese Language Arts
  • BA in Translation Studies



Aaltonen, E. (2024). How Educational Middle Leaders Should Be Best Supported by Their Senior Leadership. (Forthcoming).

Aaltonen, E. (2021). How to Achieve Constructive Alignment, both Ethically and Logistically, in a Curriculum Underpinned by Three Conflicting Education Aims. In: International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), Volume 12, Issue 1, DOI: 10.20533/ijcdse.2042.6364.2021.0538.

Aaltonen, E. (2019). Combining Different Forms of Professional Development to Maximise the Learning Achievements of Teachers and Students. In: International Journal of Innovative Business Strategies (IJIBS), Volume 5, Issue 1, June 2019, DOI: 10.20533/ijibs.2046.3626.2019.0034.


Aaltonen, E. (2017). Aulas imersivas em Inglês por meio de projetos. In: Jornal O Estado de São Paulo, O Blog do Estadão, 6 June 2017. https://www.estadao.com.br/educacao/vital-brazil/aulas-imersivas-em-ingles-por-meio-de-projetos/

Aaltonen, E. (2016). A importância dos exames de proficiência em língua inglesa. In: Jornal O Estado de São Paulo, O Blog do Estadão, 21 November 2016. https://www.estadao.com.br/educacao/vital-brazil/a-importancia-dos-exames-de-proficiencia-em-lingua-inglesa/

Aaltonen, E. (2016). Processos de aquisição e de aprendizagem de língua inglesa. In: Jornal O Estado de São Paulo, O Blog do Estadão, 27 June 2016. https://www.estadao.com.br/educacao/vital-brazil/os-processos-de-aprendizagem-de-lingua-estrangeira/

Aaltonen, E. (2016). A importância de aprender Inglês desde cedo. In: Jornal O Estado de São Paulo, O Blog do Estadão, 7 March 2016. https://www.estadao.com.br/educacao/vital-brazil/a-importancia-de-aprender-ingles-desde-cedo/

Conferences on Education


November/2023 London International Conference on Education (LICE)
University of Oxford, St. Anne´s College, Oxford, U.K.
The Roles of Educational Senior Leaders in Supporting Middle Leaders Effectively

March/2023 International Academic Conference on Education (IAC)
University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K.
The Roles of Middle Leaders in Schools: A Qualitative Educational Case Study
ISBN: 978-609-485-405-7, https://www.dpublication.com/proceeding/6th-iaceducation

June/2022 European Conference on Education (ECE)
University College London, London, U.K.
Enabling Factors That Lead Educational Middle Leaders to an Effective Professional Performance
DOI: 10.22492/issn.2188-1162.2022.32

November/2020 London International Conference on Education (LICE)
University of London, London, U.K.
How to Achieve a Constructive Alignment in a Curriculum Underpinned by Conflicting Education Aims
DOI: 10.2053/LICE.2020.0035

December/2018 London International Conference on Education (LICE)
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.
Enhancing Professional Development of Teachers through Study Groups
DOI: 10.2053/LICE.2018.0008

Educational Consulting

Applied Educational Leadership and Management

Areas of Interest

  • Applied Educational Leadership and Management
  • Continuing Professional Development of Educational Middle Leaders
  • Teacher Professional Development
  • High Performance Team Leadership
  • Curriculum Leadership
  • Improvement Change Leadership
  • Dialogic Educational Leadership
  • Quality and inclusive education from preschool to university levels
  • Academic research with an effective impact on the practice of both school leaders and teachers

Service Provided: Educational Consulting

Project design and management; design and development of courses, workshops and other customised strategic solutions, in order to meet the specific demands of the school context. Target audience: school owners, educational senior and middle leaders, and basic school teachers.

Some of the most recurring institutional demands/needs:

  • continuing professional development (CPD) for pedagogical coordinators and teachers;
  • identifying and meeting the needs of staff members;
  • implementation of a continuing professional development (CPD) program in alignment with the school’s vision and goals;
  • development of skills such as communication, teamwork, responsible decision-making and delegation;
  • awareness and development of soft skills; soft skills;
  • preparation/review of school´s documentation such as the annual planning, leadership plan both at schoolwide and department/division levels, action plans, curricular adaptation for inclusion etc.

Where to start:

1- If you are interested in hiring an external educational consulting service for your school, due to any of the questions highlighted above (or any other issue), fill out the form below in full.

2- You will be contacted with a quote or suggestion for scheduling an online meeting, based on the report made in the form.

3- Only after defining the demands of the school context will you receive a quote for the service.

Consultancy request form